Ncam 11.4 compiled and patched by marouan & RAED
- -New (Exclusive) feature on Ncam
- *(Searching, Fetching, Reading and running Free C: line server from net)
- -Small fix for (lg) detection
- -Fixed unode_id (…)
- -Fix prevent buffer overflow
- -Fix cl->reader->cacheex.maxhop_lg > max never used
- -Need PIN on 092F and 091F caid’s fixed
- -Updated aio
- -patch for common bugs reported by scan-build
- -fix typos move debug logoutput to debug
- -small fix for ecm-whitelist
- -Updated: Android stapi, CW type
- -small correction (do not have the same user and pass)
NCAM 11.4 für DM900UHD, DM920, DM520,DM525, DM820, DM7080 (DEB)
OOZOON, DREAM ELITE, N.EWNIGMA2, GEMINI, Merlin4, DMS, TSimage, Powersat,nonsolosat New: DM500, DM800HD,DM800HD,DM7020

NCAM 11.4 für vuplus zero 4k/ solo 4k/ultimo 4k/uno 4k, mutant hd51/52, AX 51/52, Xtrend ET11000/120000, Spycat 4K, Edision 4k, Octagon 4k, DM900, DM92, Vu+ solo, Uno, Duo, Ultimo, Zero (IPK) Dreambox DM500HD, DM7020,DM7025, DM800HD, DM800HDSE, DM
OpenATV, BlackHole, OpenBH, OpenLD,OpenPLUS, Rudream, OpenPLi, OpenHDF, OpenVix, VTI,OpenSPA, OpenESI,OpenVision, Hyperion PKTEAM, SatDreamGr, OpenDroid, PurE2,EGAMI,OpenNFR,TeamBlue, OpenMIPS…